
support@rapidoshippingja.com | Lot 676 East Ascot, 18 NE 36th Pl, Greater Portmore P.O., St. Catherine








How to Get 2 Packages for the price of 1 — from USA to Jamaica


Get free shipping. On your 2nd Package. Once it’s under 3lbs

PLUS When you ship your package. If it’s more than $50 USD. Only pay $200 JMD (Processing Fee) — and your Customs Fee.

PLUS You Get Free Delivery. To Kingston, Portmore and Spanish Town — Islandwide Delivery with… Knutsford Express and Zipmail.

So, How Can You Get this deal: 

Step 1 – Get your Free RSJA Account.

Step 2 – Go to a brand you shop at (Amazon, AliExpress, eBay, Wish, Gap, Old Navy)

Step 3 – Use your RSJA shipping address. Checkout

Step 4 – Track Your Packages. From start to finish.


Click the button below — Sign Up for your Free Account. Get Your Packages Delivered.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are our rates?

Rate per lb: $441 JMD

Processing Fee per Package: $147 JMD

Custom Fee Varies based on package and value. (use customs calculator. On rates page or on your account dashboard)

How long do you have to wait for package?

Get your package within 3 – 5 Business Days*

*With the ongoing pandemic, delays may occur. You will be kept updated on your account dashboard (when you sign up).

P.S.: Limited Offer. Ends on January 8, 2021.










Lot 676 East Ascot,

18 NE 36th Pl, 

Greater Portmore P.O.

 St. Catherine

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